Senior Care Blog

Arcy Hospice Celebrates 15 Years

On Friday, April 8, Arcy Hospice hosted a celebration lunch to commemorate its 15 year anniversary.

On Friday, April 8, Arcy Hospice hosted a celebration lunch to commemorate its 15 year anniversary. The event featured barbeque and bingo at Marty B’s in Bartonville and included 75 guests.

CEO, Jimmie Stapleton, welcomed the staff and honored guests and reminisced about the company’s start in 2008. The hospice agency that he and his late wife founded to repay the kindness of the community has flourished over the years. The addition of other several divisions now form a family of companies, known as Arcy Healthcare. Its focus is on caring for patients at home, not only at life’s end, but across the entire spectrum of advanced home care needs.  The Arcy Healthcare family now includes: Arcy Hospice, MaximaCare Home Health, Cornerstone House Calls, Arcy Supportive Care (palliative care), and Arcy at Home (home care).

It takes a great team and supportive community partners to reach these milestone moments. Thank you for being part of the company’s success over the years.

Jimmie Stapleton

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