Senior Care Blog

Five Signs Your Senior Is Very Close to the End of Her Life

It’s difficult to feel as if you don’t know what’s happening with your senior, especially as she nears the end of her life.
Hospice Care Flower Mound, TX: End of Life Signals

Knowing what to expect as your senior comes closer to the end of her life is difficult, especially if you’ve never had that experience before. These signs can indicate that the end is sooner than you might have thought. 

She May Be More Confused than Usual 

Confusion is very common at the end of someone’s life. There are a lot of factors that go into this, such as your senior is disoriented in general and she may not be eating as often or as much. If she’s very close to the end of her life, she’s experiencing systems in her body shutting down, including her brain. It may take a lot more effort for your senior to process information. 

She Might Be Sleeping a Lot More 

One of the factors that could be keeping your senior more disoriented is that she may be sleeping a lot more than usual. This type of sleep can be very deep, with your senior seemingly unable or unwilling to be awake for more than a few minutes at a time. Again, decreases in calorie intake and systems in her body gradually shutting down can account for a lot of this. 

She Could Be More Restless 

Your elderly family member may be feeling more restless than usual, too. This could be evident in body movements she’s making or she may mention that she’s experiencing muscle cramps or pain. It’s often difficult for people at the end of their lives to be completely comfortable in any position. Your senior may need help with shifting her position to try to find a comfortable spot. 

Her Breathing Might Change 

Respiratory changes are also common for people at the end of life. Your senior may experience more congestion or rattles and gurgles as she breathes. This could be because of an increase in mucus production, because of decreased water intake, or a little of both. Your elderly family member may also experience changes in respiratory rate, in which sometimes she seems to be almost panting and at other times is breathing more deeply. 

You Might Notice Other Physical Symptoms 

There may be other physical changes you notice, too. She may feel cooler to the touch and say that she’s feeling colder. Her skin may take on an uneven, mottled color. She may no longer be interested in eating or drinking at all. She may also be dealing with issues that she’s never dealt with before, like incontinence. These can be upsetting for her. 

Working with hospice care providers can be especially helpful during this time. They can help you to meet your senior’s needs and ensure that she’s as comfortable as possible. 

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Hospice Care in Flower Mound, TX please contact the caring staff at Arcy Healthcare today. 469-293-1515 

Jimmie Stapleton
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