Senior Care Blog

Pain and Terminal Illnesses

Dealing effectively with pain can help your senior’s remaining time much more comfortable.
Hospice Care Gainesville, TX: Pain and Illnesses
Hospice Care Gainesville, TX: Pain and Illnesses
Hospice Care and Pain Management
Hospice Care: Pain and Illnesses

As your elderly family member nears the end of her battle with a terminal illness, she may find that pain is an ever-present part of her reality. You may want to protect your senior from pain, but there’s a lot more involved that is out of anyone’s control, That does not have to mean that she just accepts that pain is inevitable. Finding ways to deal with all types of pain can improve the quality of your senior’s life as she edges closer to the end of her life.

Reducing Pain Means Improving Quality of Life

Pain isn’t something that anyone should just be forced to accept as a regular part of life. Unfortunately, so many people are facing terminal illnesses that bring with them a huge amount of pain. That may well be the case for your elderly family member, especially if she’s dealing with more than one pain-inducing illness. Reducing that pain, even by a small degree, is a major factor in improving your elderly family member’s quality of life by more than you might imagine possible. 

Curative Therapies May Focus on Other Factors

Your elderly family member’s main medical providers may have a plan already to target her pain to a certain extent. Those plans often focus on other factors, however, and don’t necessarily prioritize the reduction of pain completely. That’s even more true when your senior’s focus is primarily still on trying to cure her illness. Wanting to try some different options may be one of the factors that encourages your senior to consider hospice elder care.

There Are Varieties of Pain Your Senior May Face

Physical pain is bad enough, but a terminal illness can bring with it multiple variations of other types of pain, including emotional pain. Anxiety, depression, and all sorts of other emotional pain can drain your elderly family member more than she needs to be drained at this stage of her life. This can be devastating for your senior, and it’s not always easy to find solutions. Hospice elder care can help your elderly family member to find the help that she needs for a variety of situations and issues, including all of the various different types of pain she’s trying to manage.

Finding Additional Solutions Takes Trial and Error

It takes time to find some of the best solutions for your elderly family member’s issues with pain, and that can be time that curative therapies just don’t have the ability to offer. Hospice elder care can offer alternative solutions that bring your elderly family member the relief that she needs most. As her pain levels change, other solutions may be more necessary and hospice services are able to adapt and offer that assistance.

Hospice elder care providers can break through a lot of misconceptions about pain management and the best options for pain relief. They’re able to help you and your senior to find the resources that are going to offer her the most assistance. These options can all work with whatever your senior is still doing to manage her health, ensuring that the time that she has left is as peaceful and as pain-free as possible.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Hospice Care in the DFW area, including Gainesville, TX please contact the caring staff at Arcy Healthcare today. 469-293-1515

Jimmie Stapleton

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