Senior Care Blog

What Can Hospice Care Do for People Diagnosed with Heart Disease?

Heart disease is a progressive illness that eventually can lead to the end of your senior’s life.
Hospice Care Denton, TX: Heart Disease
Hospice Care Denton, TX: Heart Disease
Hospice Care Denton, TX: Heart Disease
Hospice Care Denton, TX: Heart Disease

Heart disease is a progressive illness that eventually can lead to the end of your senior’s life. As your elderly family member nears the end of her life, her doctors may recommend hospice care. This option can do a lot more for your senior to manage her heart disease than you might think possible, even as she faces the end of her life.

Care for Your Senior in Her Home

In the later stages of heart disease, the last thing your elderly family member wants is to have to spend all of her time at her doctor’s office or in the hospital. With the help of hospice care providers, your elderly family member is able to remain in her home and get the care that she needs. If your elderly family member needs help around the clock, hospice can take care of that for her.

Manage Heart Disease Symptoms

End-stage heart disease brings with it a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. Your elderly family member may be dealing with pain, edema, nausea, and more. Hospice offers your senior methods of treatment that can help her to keep those symptoms under better control. Comfort is the primary goal of hospice care, which can be a crucial part of this stage of managing your senior’s illness.

Keep Track of Different Treatments and Providers

Your elderly family member likely has a cardiologist along with a variety of other healthcare providers and therapists. Managing all of this can get incredibly complicated. Factor in necessary supplies, equipment, and managing medication and it all gets overwhelming very quickly. Hospice providers are able to coordinate all of this care and keep track of your senior’s needs.

Assist with Emotional Resources

Facing the end of her life is going to bring up a variety of complicated emotions for your senior. It isn’t likely to be easy for you or for other family members, either. Your senior’s hospice team can help you to find the emotional support and resources that your entire family needs in order to deal with the next few months and what they will bring. Hospice can also work with your senior to find the spiritual assistance that she needs to manage this stage of her life.

Provide Respite as Necessary

You might want to be there with your elderly family member as much as possible, but modern life places demands on you that can keep you from having the time that you want. It’s also a big challenge to help someone that you love when they’re near the end of their life. Hospice care offers you the ability to take the time away that you need while still knowing that your elderly family member is getting the help and the care that she truly needs.

The progressive nature of heart disease means that as time goes on, your aging family member is going to need more help. Hospice offers that help while also reducing the likelihood that she’ll have to spend most of her time in the hospital.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Hospice Care in the DFW area, please contact the caring staff at Arcy Hospice today. 469-293-1515

Jimmie Stapleton

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