Senior Care Blog

What Can You Expect from End-of-life Care?

End-of-life care is about supporting your aging family member’s needs at the end of her life, but what does that mean for her?
End-of-Life Care Gainesville TX
End-of-Life Care Gainesville TX

As your aging family member gets ever closer to the end of her life, the situation may start to feel even more dire than ever to you and to her. What can help immensely is to enlist the help of end-of-life care. But when you’re already dealing with so much, the uncertainty of what this type of care offers and what you can expect can feel scary as well. Here are some of the different ways that this type of care can be of help to you and your senior near the end of her life.

A Care Team

When your elderly family member is nearing the end of her life, it helps immensely to have a care team devoted to keeping her as comfortable as possible. Her care team is made up of her medical providers as well as nurses, social workers, and other care professionals as needed. Your elderly family member’s care team can be as diverse as her needs are.

Assistance Finding Spiritual Support

Many people find that at the end of their lives, they are more interested in ever in having spiritual support. This type of support can be deeply religious or secular in nature, but end-of-life care services can help your family to find exactly the support that your senior needs most. Dealing with the big questions at the end of someone’s life is difficult, so it’s important for your senior to get the answers that she needs.

A Plan that Prioritizes Comfort

Above all, end-of-life care prioritizes your senior’s comfort. Managing symptoms and ensuring that her needs are met as thoroughly as possible is all part of the care plan. As your elderly family member’s needs change, care providers will adjust the plan to continue to meet her needs. This type of care is all about doing whatever is necessary and feasible to keep your elderly family member content and comfortable as she nears the end of her life.

Equipment to Support Your Senior’s Needs

Just because your elderly family member isn’t undergoing curative treatments, that doesn’t necessarily mean that anyone is giving up or stopping vital support. There may be equipment that helps your senior to be comfortable, like oxygen therapy equipment or a bed that is adjustable. These are available through end-of-life care support to make your senior’s life easier and safer overall.

Hands-on Help and Support

End-of-life care providers are also there to offer hands-on support for your elderly family member. If she needs help with tasks like eating or bathing, she has that assistance. This type of care is also helpful for you by offering you peace of mind that your senior is in good hands when you need to step away. Respite time is especially important for family caregivers as your senior nears the end of her life because there is a lot that you’re processing emotionally.

Facing the end of your senior’s life is a big and scary situation. Having the help and support available that you both need does a lot to make all of that easier to bear, especially when the situation starts to feel even bigger.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering End-of-Life Care in north texas including Gainesville, TX please contact the caring staff at Arcy Hospice today. 469-293-1515

Jimmie Stapleton

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