Senior Care Blog

What Does Comfort Care Mean for Your Family Member?

Comfort care is often a confusing choice for seniors and family caregivers, but it’s more than you might think it is.
End of Life Care Lewisville, TX: Comfort Care
End of Life Care Lewisville, TX: Comfort Care
End of Life Care Lewisville, TX: Comfort Care
Learning about Care Options

Terminal illnesses or worsening health may mean that you and your family member start to look at other options for care, including end-of-life care. This is also often called comfort care, which can be a confusing term when you’re not sure what it encompasses. Comfort care focuses on helping your family member to have the best quality of life possible.

Comfort Care Often Means Avoiding Aggressive Treatment Methods

If your family member has worsening health or a terminal illness, chances are very good that she has been seeking curative therapies for her health conditions. Some of these treatment methods, like chemotherapy, are considered aggressive treatment methods. Over time, many people decide that they no longer want to deal with the side effects of curative therapies. That’s when end-of-life care options that lean on comfort care feel like the better choice.

Comfort Care Is about Relieving Symptoms

The term comfort care describes a type of care that is all about relieving the symptoms that your family member is experiencing. Curing the ailment may not be possible but treating the symptoms can be. And comfort care often involves treatment methods that curative therapies don’t usually include, like massage therapy. Some of the symptoms your family member might want to manage could include difficulty breathing, pain, nausea, anxiety, and more.

Some People Think This Type of Care Isn’t Medical Care

Because end-of-life care isn’t always talked about, most people don’t realize that comfort care solutions are a part of their family member’s medical treatment plan. Therapies like massage therapy help to relieve pain and swelling. They also may be prescribed by your family member’s doctor as a way to help her to have a better quality of life. 

Your Family Member Isn’t Giving Up

It’s important to understand that by embracing comfort care therapies, your elderly family member isn’t giving up at all. She’s adapting her care plan to meet her needs in ways that may be far more effective for her than curative treatments are. Understanding that her doctors are still involved in her care plan can help many family caregivers and family members understand that this isn’t a type of care that means your senior is just waiting for the end of her life.

Comfort Care Also Helps Family Members

There’s a lot of pressure on you as your senior’s family caregiver as well as on other family members to help as much as possible. But there comes a point where you may not feel as if you know what to do for your elderly family member. You may also be concerned about how you’re feeling about her current state and her future. End-of-life care providers are able to help you to find the resources that you and other family members need in order to do what you need to do.

Comfort care is an excellent choice for your senior when she’s not interested in curative or aggressive treatment options any longer. End-of-life care services can ensure that your elderly family member is able to have the best possible quality of life.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering End of Life Care in North Texas please contact the caring staff at Arcy Healthcare today. 469-293-1515

Jimmie Stapleton

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