Senior Care Blog

What Types of Patients May Need End-of-life Care?

Anyone nearing the end of their life can benefit from end-of-life care, but some health issues might require assistance sooner rather than later.
End of Life Care Plano, TX: Seniors and End-of-Life Care
End of Life Care Plano, TX: Seniors and End-of-Life Care
End of Life Care Plano, TX: Seniors and End-of-Life Care
End of Life Care Plano, TX: Seniors and End-of-Life Care

A lot of people believe that only certain types of situations and health problems qualify for things like end-of-life care. That’s not the case, but there are some types of patients who might benefit from this type of care earlier than you might expect. It’s worth talking to your senior’s medical team about when to consider this type of care for her needs so that you can start to prepare everyone involved for those changes.

Cancer Patients

If your elderly family member has cancer, you may already understand how much of a toll different treatments can place on her physically and emotionally. At some point, your senior may decide that curative treatments aren’t the route she wants to take any longer. End-of-life care can help her to manage symptoms and experience the quality of life she wants at that stage of her life.

Patients with Breathing Trouble or Lung Diseases

People with lung disease or who have trouble breathing may find that life becomes incredibly complicated very quickly. The longer your senior is dealing with breathing issues, the more it’s likely to have an adverse impact on her life. End-of-life assistance can ensure that she’s getting the oxygen that she needs and that she has other types of assistance whenever necessary.

Patients with Heart Disease

Keeping up with heart disease symptoms and everything else that goes with it can be very difficult. As heart disease progresses, it’s even more important that your family member has help with medications as well as household and personal tasks. End-of-life care can help with all of those concerns, making life easier and more peaceful for your senior.

Patients with Kidney Disease

Another demanding disease is kidney disease. If dialysis becomes too much for your senior, help from care providers who understand what she’s going through is imperative. They can assist your elderly family member with daily activities and help her to be as comfortable as possible for the time that she has left.

Dementia Patients

Severe stages of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease bring a lot of challenges for your senior, but many for you as well. Wandering, incontinence, and difficulty communicating are all complicated situations for your senior. Having help to manage these needs can take a great deal of stress off of you and other family members while also ensuring that your senior has assistance dealing with daily tasks.

Patients Who Are Not Able to Eat or Drink Any Longer

Other health issues can make it difficult for your senior to eat or drink easily. End-of-life care can help to manage those concerns along with other symptoms and challenges. If your elderly family member still is willing to eat and drink, there are solutions that can help.

It’s never easy knowing that someone you love is nearing the end of their life. Having the right assistance when you need it most can make that situation much easier for you as your senior’s primary caregiver and for your senior and other family members as well.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering End of Life Care in Plano, TX please contact the caring staff at Arcy Healthcare today. 469-293-1515

Jimmie Stapleton

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