Senior Care Blog

Writing an Obituary to Celebrate a Life

We know this is already a difficult time as the world grapples with the effects of the coronavirus, and when your loved one passes away, it can be painful to know you may not get to celebrate their life with a funeral or memorial service. One way to celebrate their life is to write an obituary.

Writing an obituary acknowledges your loss, informs the community of the death, and invites those who knew your loved one a chance to offer sympathy and support.

An obituary is where you share your loved one’s life story. It pays tribute to someone by sharing a story from their life, listing their accomplishments and sharing their legacy. You can enlist family members to contribute their stories, too. It is a way to celebrate how special they are, until you can plan a celebration of life.

There are many ways to post an obituary, just look online, contact your funeral home or local newspaper. You can also use a free online source such as

If you need help writing an obituary or grief support, please contact the Arcy office at 469-293-1515 or e-mail

Rev. Donna Sutton, Bereavement Coordinator and Chaplain

Jimmie Stapleton

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