Senior Care Blog

Four Ways Palliative Care Respects Your Senior’s Goals and Wishes

One of the core tenets of palliative care is supporting and respecting your senior’s wishes and goals in terms of her life and her healthcare.
Palliative Care Coppell, TX: Goals and Wishes
Palliative Care Coppell, TX: Goals and Wishes
Palliative Care Coppell, TX: Goals and Wishes

One of the core tenets of palliative care is supporting and respecting your senior’s wishes and goals in terms of her life and her healthcare. In order to do that, there are some very specific ways that this type of care differentiates itself from what your senior might be used to. Your senior might find that it’s refreshing to have someone really listening to what she wants. 

Asking about and Listening to Needs and Wants 

It’s imperative for palliative care providers to know and to understand what your senior’s goals are and how she wants her care plans to proceed. They do this by asking questions and really listening to what your senior says and what she doesn’t say. They’ll ask you questions, too, because you’re an important part of your senior’s care plan. 

Educating Seniors and Family Members about Illnesses 

There’s so much to know about health issues, especially if they’re new for your senior and you to manage. Palliative care providers can help to make sure that your senior and you have all the information that you need in order to make the best possible decisions. With more knowledge, your senior may realize she also has more choices. 

Sorting through Priorities 

Your senior’s doctors have specific priorities about her health, but she does too. Palliative care providers want to understand your senior’s priorities with her health choices so that they can ensure those are met. This doesn’t mean that one therapy or treatment is better or worse, what it can honestly come down to is that one type of treatment better supports your senior’s ultimate goals than another. That’s why it’s so important to understand her priorities. 

Working with Doctors and Other Providers to Solve Problems According to Needs 

Along with being your senior’s voice, palliative care providers are able to work with all of the medical specialists and providers that help with your senior’s care. They’re able to be your senior’s voice in those situations because they’ve paid close attention to her needs and wants. They can help to ensure that your senior is able to get all of the different types of care that she truly wants and needs. 

Palliative care services are in a unique position to be able to work more closely with your senior and with the rest of her family. This offers benefits to all of you that can really pay off. 

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Palliative Care in Coppell, TX please contact the caring staff at Arcy Healthcare today. 469-293-1515 

Jimmie Stapleton

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