Senior Care Blog

A Night of Hope

The 1st annual Pajamarama Gala 2021 was held on Friday, November 12, 2021 at The Park City Club.  Arcy Healthcare was the presenting sponsor for the amazing and successful fundraising event.

Sixty percent of seniors in skilled nursing facilities never receive any visitors and are limited to $60 a month to spend on personal expenses. Most of those seniors’ only option of clothing is the typical hospital gown. The standard gown not only leaves them partially exposed, but in a larger sense, robs them of their personal dignity, identity and comfort.

The great need to help seniors was recognized by Jo Alch, the founder of Pajamas for Seniors.  The Pajamarama Gala raised in excess of $50k to go towards providing pajamas for these seniors.  Arcy Healthcare is thrilled to have been invited to take part in such a wonderful cause.

Jimmie Stapleton

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