Senior Care Blog

Three Reasons Your Senior Might Be Interested in Talking to a Spiritual Leader

Even an elderly family member who hasn’t been religious in the past might request the help of a spiritual leader.
Hospice Care Coppell, TX: Spiritual Leaders
Hospice Care Coppell, TX: Spiritual Leaders

Often family members are a little surprised to hear their aging family member request meetings with a spiritual leader. That’s especially true if your senior hasn’t been active in a particular church or religious group. Dealing with mortality can put a different lens on many of life’s issues, however, and there are some big ways that talking with a spiritual leader can be helpful for your senior. 

Having Someone There 

Spiritual leaders are familiar with just offering a comforting presence for people. Your elderly family member may be getting other needs met through hospice care services but having someone there to talk to who won’t be judgmental might be necessary, too. This could be important for your senior regardless of whether she’s got friends and family there with her or not. There’s a lot that people tend to come to terms with at the end of life that they may not want to feel as if they’re burdening family members by sharing. 

Receiving Spiritual Advice 

The most obvious reason to talk to a spiritual leader is of course to understand spiritual issues more fully. Your senior may have a lot of questions or her perspective on certain issues might have changed during her end-of-life experiences. No matter what your elderly family member’s spiritual beliefs have been in the past, she may be finding herself needing or wanting a spiritual connection. Talking with a pastor or priest can offer that spiritual comfort to your elderly family member that she is seeking. 

Receiving Practical Advice 

But the support can go farther than that, especially if your elderly family member is a longstanding member of a specific religious group. Your elderly family member may want practical, hands-on help from a member of the clergy to help with planning her last days, her memorial service, and more. This can help your elderly family member to feel more at ease about what is happening, especially if she feels that everything is well in hand when she does pass away. 

It might sound like an odd request to you, but spiritual leaders can offer a lot of comfort to your elderly family member as she faces the end of her life. There may be some other ways that your senior’s spiritual leader may be able to offer her comfort and counsel during this time. Spiritual leaders also often have access to resources that can help your entire family to cope with what’s happening.  

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Hospice Care in Coppell, TX please contact the caring staff at Arcy Healthcare today. 469-293-1515 

Jimmie Stapleton
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